Donation Index — All Events
Total (Count): $950,897.09 (27439) — Max/Avg Donation: $7,011.00/$34.65

Name Time ReceivedAscDsc AmountAscDsc Comment
Joxtacy 07/27/2023 18:18:16 +0000 $20.00 Yes
Roibosch 07/27/2023 18:12:29 +0000 $50.00 Yes
Bernhard 07/27/2023 18:06:53 +0000 $5.00 Yes
Apoorcollegestudent 07/27/2023 18:06:30 +0000 $20.00 Yes
Fire_Yoshi 07/27/2023 18:05:43 +0000 $50.00 Yes
Galaxtic 07/27/2023 18:00:47 +0000 $5.00 Yes
script_fish 07/27/2023 17:53:33 +0000 $5.00 No
K..., Marianne (Thomkar) 07/27/2023 17:48:53 +0000 $5.00 Yes
AlberthRodmen 07/27/2023 17:46:22 +0000 $10.00 Yes
Kayarune 07/27/2023 17:42:40 +0000 $25.00 Yes
MiniStefan 07/27/2023 17:35:39 +0000 $20.00 Yes
Zephyyrr 07/27/2023 17:28:34 +0000 $20.00 Yes
Trigger 07/27/2023 17:28:25 +0000 $30.00 No
Nevflinn 07/27/2023 17:23:36 +0000 $5.00 Yes
tigertygr28 07/27/2023 17:14:07 +0000 $25.00 Yes
Ash's dad 07/27/2023 17:05:45 +0000 $5.00 Yes
Joey_Mack 07/27/2023 17:00:16 +0000 $30.00 Yes
Neomatamune 07/27/2023 16:52:47 +0000 $50.00 No
Asbo 07/27/2023 16:47:20 +0000 $50.00 Yes
Brandino 07/27/2023 16:41:44 +0000 $25.00 Yes
Tarzan 07/27/2023 16:34:31 +0000 $5.00 Yes
trident tail 07/27/2023 16:30:18 +0000 $20.00 Yes
Sweener 07/27/2023 16:18:21 +0000 $50.00 Yes
H..., Dina (Dina) 07/27/2023 16:10:53 +0000 $10.00 Yes
[FR] keiij 07/27/2023 15:58:04 +0000 $25.00 Yes
Noizeeh 07/27/2023 15:54:37 +0000 $20.00 Yes
The_Surviv0r 07/27/2023 15:34:42 +0000 $126.00 Yes
Roibosch 07/27/2023 15:28:17 +0000 $25.00 No
RaceProUK 07/27/2023 15:27:44 +0000 $10.00 Yes
Alko 07/27/2023 15:24:44 +0000 $50.00 Yes
Nevflinn 07/27/2023 15:11:41 +0000 $10.00 Yes
Brat Sampson 07/27/2023 15:07:40 +0000 $25.00 No
Gendo 07/27/2023 15:07:28 +0000 $314.65 Yes
CertainlySomeoneHere139 07/27/2023 14:57:09 +0000 $5.00 Yes
KedZee 07/27/2023 14:55:18 +0000 $10.00 Yes
PastelPunk 07/27/2023 14:52:43 +0000 $10.00 Yes
musoukkun 07/27/2023 14:52:20 +0000 $25.00 Yes
(Anonymous) 07/27/2023 14:50:43 +0000 $5.35 Yes
(Anonymous) 07/27/2023 14:37:21 +0000 $20.00 No
Palvikinkku 07/27/2023 14:27:32 +0000 $250.00 Yes
(Anonymous) 07/27/2023 14:27:23 +0000 $5.00 No
Metako's Assistant 07/27/2023 14:19:22 +0000 $25.00 Yes
Terra229 07/27/2023 14:16:11 +0000 $25.00 Yes
Mako77 07/27/2023 14:12:09 +0000 $25.00 Yes
(Anonymous) 07/27/2023 14:11:30 +0000 $25.00 Yes
IchEinfachDavid 07/27/2023 14:10:01 +0000 $25.00 Yes
(Anonymous) 07/27/2023 14:04:47 +0000 $25.00 Yes
Nevflinn 07/27/2023 14:02:12 +0000 $25.00 Yes
Kvikur 07/27/2023 14:01:08 +0000 $25.00 Yes
allin_gg 07/27/2023 14:00:26 +0000 $25.00 Yes

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