Donor Index — All Events

Donor TotalAscDsc (Count)AscDsc MaxAscDsc/AvgAscDsc Donation
Tommyrod $85.00 (4) $30.00/$21.25
pmcTRILOGY $85.00 (3) $40.00/$28.33
Northen, Tyler (Barfacc) $85.00 (3) $40.00/$28.33
Brannfarlig $85.00 (3) $50.00/$28.33
Agent 47 $85.00 (5) $20.00/$17.00
Kaethil $85.00 (5) $40.00/$17.00
Tezn $85.00 (2) $50.00/$42.50
Covikim $85.00 (3) $50.00/$28.33
WizardAgent0 $85.00 (2) $50.00/$42.50
GoAkke $85.00 (3) $50.00/$28.33
AxelSaGo $85.00 (4) $50.00/$21.25
19PeZen90 $84.90 (3) $39.90/$28.30
Lerri $84.70 (7) $21.00/$12.10
miamiandy $84.44 (5) $25.00/$16.89
jibben $84.00 (3) $50.00/$28.00
Cousin $83.69 (6) $28.00/$13.95
MrGamy $83.00 (2) $50.00/$41.50
toshh $82.32 (6) $20.00/$13.72
Rozer $82.00 (3) $42.00/$27.33
YoungThunfisch $82.00 (10) $22.00/$8.20
Arthanori $81.90 (4) $25.00/$20.48
Skelephile $81.66 (5) $40.00/$16.33
vanishedhero $81.00 (4) $61.00/$20.25
Woodscrap $80.48 (2) $40.48/$40.24
Ricky14 $80.00 (3) $50.00/$26.67
torvestad, david $80.00 (1) $80.00/$80.00
Mizterconfuzing no numbers. $80.00 (4) $25.00/$20.00
Mad One $80.00 (1) $80.00/$80.00
Monica237 $80.00 (4) $30.00/$20.00
MrLurker $80.00 (4) $25.00/$20.00
YoAndy $80.00 (4) $40.00/$20.00
Ristle208 $80.00 (2) $50.00/$40.00
HillaryPuff $80.00 (3) $50.00/$26.67
TripD $80.00 (2) $50.00/$40.00
Juh0rse $80.00 (3) $50.00/$26.67
Pillbughug $80.00 (2) $50.00/$40.00
Yunberti $80.00 (2) $70.00/$40.00
Bearhead $80.00 (3) $50.00/$26.67
SoletLuna $80.00 (5) $25.00/$16.00
Reneigh $80.00 (3) $50.00/$26.67
Jess $80.00 (2) $50.00/$40.00
Maitre $80.00 (2) $50.00/$40.00
Ramseyfox $80.00 (1) $80.00/$80.00
Choob $80.00 (2) $50.00/$40.00
BumblebeeB2 $80.00 (3) $50.00/$26.67
Blue Rupee203 $80.00 (3) $50.00/$26.67
Kaizer_Aphelion $80.00 (4) $25.00/$20.00
Tom2 $80.00 (4) $25.00/$20.00
eyebo $80.00 (6) $50.00/$13.33
BennyOne $80.00 (13) $10.00/$6.15

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