Donation Index — All Events
Total (Count): $950,897.09 (27439) — Max/Avg Donation: $7,011.00/$34.65

Name Time ReceivedAscDsc AmountAscDsc Comment
Aerith 07/23/2023 01:45:22 +0000 $5.00 No
Christian Royle 07/23/2023 01:00:37 +0000 $30.00 Yes
Benjahams 07/23/2023 00:56:31 +0000 $20.00 Yes
(Anonymous) 07/23/2023 00:54:33 +0000 $25.00 No
Clams Favourite Uncle 07/23/2023 00:46:45 +0000 $50.00 Yes
Kyrrone, play sonic generations 07/23/2023 00:40:11 +0000 $5.00 Yes
Christian Royle 07/23/2023 00:37:14 +0000 $20.00 Yes
PrincessNekoCakes 07/23/2023 00:27:28 +0000 $20.00 Yes
Oldman 07/23/2023 00:21:12 +0000 $10.00 Yes
MoD366 07/23/2023 00:20:49 +0000 $10.00 Yes
Your girlfriend's sister 07/23/2023 00:19:22 +0000 $20.00 Yes
Vivis_Undergarments 07/23/2023 00:15:28 +0000 $9.00 Yes
Paulister 07/23/2023 00:14:06 +0000 $21.00 Yes
pho 07/23/2023 00:13:59 +0000 $10.00 Yes
your trusted crew behind u 07/23/2023 00:09:14 +0000 $60.00 Yes
Zet 07/23/2023 00:03:06 +0000 $10.00 Yes
Daboyz35 07/22/2023 23:59:38 +0000 $25.00 Yes
Valk 07/22/2023 23:57:47 +0000 $20.00 Yes
Kyrrone, play sonic generations 07/22/2023 23:53:28 +0000 $5.00 Yes
MiniStefan 07/22/2023 23:52:42 +0000 $20.00 Yes
Cam1881 07/22/2023 23:51:30 +0000 $25.00 Yes
Usernameniels 07/22/2023 23:50:58 +0000 $50.00 Yes
Naomi138 07/22/2023 23:50:15 +0000 $5.00 Yes
(Anonymous) 07/22/2023 23:43:48 +0000 $5.00 No
Kyrrone, play sonic generations 07/22/2023 23:39:07 +0000 $10.00 Yes
Tungdir 07/22/2023 23:21:48 +0000 $25.00 No
Untimelydoom 07/22/2023 22:55:19 +0000 $25.00 No
Empty_Null 07/22/2023 22:48:31 +0000 $5.00 Yes
DJC 07/22/2023 22:46:16 +0000 $25.00 Yes
Vivis_Undergarments 07/22/2023 22:40:33 +0000 $15.00 Yes
Dereklander 07/22/2023 22:39:33 +0000 $10.00 Yes
flugel, Jacob (Iron) 07/22/2023 22:37:17 +0000 $25.00 Yes
MrJiGGs 07/22/2023 22:31:10 +0000 $10.00 Yes
Silver106 07/22/2023 22:20:09 +0000 $20.00 Yes
Hess, Cole (FuzionSynth) 07/22/2023 22:13:42 +0000 $5.00 Yes
Glenn O'Brien 07/22/2023 22:13:31 +0000 $25.00 Yes
JuliaBandicoot 07/22/2023 22:13:23 +0000 $5.00 Yes
SynthKat67 07/22/2023 22:12:32 +0000 $10.00 Yes
AJ Ellis 07/22/2023 22:12:30 +0000 $50.00 Yes
never_around 07/22/2023 22:12:14 +0000 $35.00 Yes
KieronSR 07/22/2023 22:11:36 +0000 $5.00 Yes
JamieTheBnnuy 07/22/2023 22:11:13 +0000 $100.00 Yes
Gilroy, Dylan (Daniel Bacallado) 07/22/2023 22:09:46 +0000 $25.00 Yes
McHooper 07/22/2023 22:08:50 +0000 $20.00 Yes
MadGirlWithABox 07/22/2023 22:08:21 +0000 $50.00 Yes
Kiri198 07/22/2023 22:04:43 +0000 $10.00 Yes
Frostifero 07/22/2023 22:04:12 +0000 $10.00 Yes
Kolatch 07/22/2023 22:02:52 +0000 $20.00 Yes
alksejf 07/22/2023 21:55:13 +0000 $15.00 No
xTunguzka 07/22/2023 21:30:29 +0000 $20.00 Yes

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