Time Received | Amount | Comment |
02/21/2022 07:36:45 +0000 | $5.00 | Yes |
"I was here at the beginning. And I will proclaim the end."
-- Monado, 2011 |
02/16/2022 20:30:30 +0000 | $50.00 | Yes |
Etholon proved he could solve my fiendish puzzle.
Can we get someone from current Tech crew (Or the Top Tyr himself) in to prove they are just as good? (For screeners & readers eyes only (and don't mess up this time): Word of the day is "Technical Issues" |
02/16/2022 20:01:47 +0000 | $50.00 | Yes |
In-flight entertainment seems a bit on the boring side, so we need to make some ourselves.
Can we get someone from Games & Scheduling and in a neighboring seat and play a quick game of Hangman? They are called GAMES & Scheduling so they should be good at this. (This is for reader & screener only: I suggest the word is "Over-Estimate") |
02/16/2022 19:46:42 +0000 | $25.00 | Yes |
Sorry, sorry.
Miscommunication among the crew. First row was business class and should not have moved. What was second row should be in the back. Get the Stig & co back up front. |
02/16/2022 19:12:25 +0000 | $25.00 | Yes |
Heyo everyone on-site.
In spirit of the destination of this trip, can we have someone provide commentary in Icelandic? If none can do it, I will settle for Popeter to come up and say an word or two about that one Welsh town. He knows which one |
02/11/2022 09:19:51 +0000 | $50.00 | Yes |
It's dangerous to go alone.
Take this. |