Total Donations: $27.00 (5) — Max/Avg Donation: $7.00/$5.40

Time Received Amount Comment
02/23/2023 15:23:44 +0000 $7.00 Yes
Couldn't miss this run! Watching this at another boring day at work so can't log in to chat but much love to Tiny Tim, one of the nicest people I've met through this hobby. Good luck on the run and I know you're gonna smash it. Much love to everyone involved at ESA. Cheers, folks!
02/20/2021 19:11:50 +0000 $5.00 Yes
Donating during our boy and favourite Coke Gamer kuumba. Found him from a previous ESA and loved every stream I've popped in. Much love. PogYou in chat.
02/17/2021 19:47:59 +0000 $5.00 Yes
Oops. Uh oh.
02/16/2021 05:44:32 +0000 $5.00 Yes
Hi folks. Had to donate during the run of the Aussie boys. Both stylonide and Liquid have been keeping me sane during a UK lockdown that happens every 5 femtoseconds. Much love to you both. Cheers ESA also for everything you do.
Stick this towards the Pink ranger in Lightspeed Rescue. Cheers.
08/01/2020 08:38:56 +0000 $5.00 Yes
Hi folks! Just donating what I can. Shoutouts to ESA for all their amazing work and TinyTim for always putting a smile on my face.

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