Time Received | Amount | Comment |
07/29/2023 21:50:52 +0000 | $100.00 | Yes |
你也是 (Nǐ yěshì). That's one for the Chinese viewers.
I must stress that our donations are doing amazing things in the world of medicine. Just a week or so ago scientists made a massive breakthrough in Alzheimer's research, and that's thanks in part to charity drives like this very one. Shoutout to everybody involved in this marathon, from those in charge all the way down to the humble viewer. Congratulations gamers, you're making a positive change in the world! |
02/24/2023 01:43:16 +0000 | $10.00 | Yes |
Donating on behalf of the real hero of the Alien franchise - Jones! | ||
02/23/2023 23:22:24 +0000 | $5.00 | Yes |
Did you know that an evolved Eevee was the leader of France from 1804 to 1814? It was known as Napoleon. | ||
02/23/2023 23:09:02 +0000 | $5.00 | Yes |
That last donation was brought to you by the pay-to-win Eeveelution, Patreon! | ||
02/23/2023 23:02:18 +0000 | $5.00 | Yes |
Did you know that if you level up an Eevee while listening to A-Ha, it evolves into Takemeon. | ||
02/23/2023 00:55:41 +0000 | $25.00 | Yes |
Thoroughly enjoying this Sonic block. Great runs, great commentary, and an even greater cause. Remember that we've still got a $5k incentive to hit. Let's get it guys! | ||
07/26/2022 19:53:51 +0000 | $25.00 | Yes |
(Comment rejected) |
07/26/2022 19:35:02 +0000 | $25.00 | Yes |
(Comment rejected) |
07/25/2022 21:56:33 +0000 | $25.00 | Yes |
Wait, did someone say Bruce Wayne is Batman? That's a crazy idea! That's like saying the journalist Clark Kent is Superman. Could never happen.
Shoutout to ESA. This is the marathon that Gotham needs. |
07/23/2022 23:47:33 +0000 | $25.00 | Yes |
Just wanted to drop a donation during a Sonic game. Sonic 3 was the first videogame I ever owned, and It's all been downhill since then!
Good luck GordinRamsay, I look forward to seeing you run Super Sonic Galaxy. |
02/19/2022 22:11:42 +0000 | $25.00 | Yes |
What's that? Another PlayStation 5 owner? There are dozens of us! Dozens! | ||
02/18/2022 18:10:47 +0000 | $25.00 | Yes |
GTA San Andreas is the best Saints Row clone. Don't @ me! | ||
02/16/2022 19:51:26 +0000 | $25.00 | Yes |
Donation for one of the runners/commentators to read an entire chapter of the book out loud.
Also, shoutout to everybody involved with ESA. You guys are putting on a great show in the name of charity, and I am glad that I can donate for such a worthy cause. |
02/12/2022 20:25:32 +0000 | $25.00 | Yes |
Just wondering if Argick is available to narrate my life?
Shoutout to everybody involved with ESA. You guys are amazing. Here's $25 for the cause. |
07/30/2021 23:01:38 +0000 | $20.00 | Yes |
They should make a GTA game set in Hong Kong, take most of the guns away and replace them with kung fu fighting. That would be a cool game. | ||
07/30/2021 22:06:55 +0000 | $20.00 | Yes |
I'll double the donation if you keep the golf outfit for the rest of the run! | ||
07/27/2021 21:12:52 +0000 | $20.00 | Yes |
Mugatu did nothing wrong! All he wanted to do was bring jobs to Malaysia! | ||
02/21/2021 02:20:54 +0000 | $25.00 | Yes |
Thanks for all the Vita love! I am a man of my words, so here's 25 more, which actually takes me over $100 for the marathon. Alzheimer's affected my grandfather, and I am proud to donate to such a great cause in the name of videogames.
Shoutout to absolutely everybody involved from top to bottom, and that includes even the viewers who can't donate anything but their time. You're all awesome! |
02/21/2021 01:53:41 +0000 | $25.00 | Yes |
I was at work while the Sonic games were on, so I couldn't donate then. However, I can donate for a game being run on what is technically speaking, a PlayStation Vita, one of my favourite consoles ever made.
I'll give $25 more if we can get some Vita love in the chat! |
02/17/2021 23:37:33 +0000 | $25.00 | Yes |
This is a reminder that the Yakuza games are a serious organised crime drama.
Fun fact: Rikiya is voiced by Tatsuya Fujiwara, who played the main character in the movie Battle Royale. |
02/17/2021 00:42:19 +0000 | $38.00 | Yes |
Donating for the dex number of my favourite Pokemon - Ninetales. Fun little fact, it is based on the Kitsune of Japanese folklore, which depicts a fox that gains up to 9 tails with age. | ||
08/02/2020 21:50:43 +0000 | $25.00 | Yes |
Using this final donation to round up my total to $100. ESA, you guys have hit it out the park yet again. This event has been as entertaining and as wholesome as heck. Thank you for the last week and two days, it's been awesome. Shoutout to the runners, announcers, volunteers and everybody in the chat, from the mods to the viewers that don't chat. You're all awesome. We need more AYAYAs in chat. :) | ||
08/02/2020 16:49:55 +0000 | $5.00 | Yes |
4/3 π r³
That is all. |
07/31/2020 19:59:03 +0000 | $20.00 | Yes |
Screw donating $10 to unsubscribe from cat facts. I wanna double down! More cat facts please! | ||
07/28/2020 23:44:29 +0000 | $25.00 | Yes |
I absolutely had to donate during a Sonic game. Sonic 3 was the first game I ever owned, and it set me on the videogaming journey, and like every other gamer, I've laughed, cried and jumped for joy at games.
Thanks ESA for this event. Thank you for proving that videogames can always bring good to the world. We all needed this, especially this year. :) |
07/25/2020 13:46:15 +0000 | $25.00 | Yes |
I figured I would donate during a run of one of my favourite games. Metal Gear Solid 4 was the reason I chose a PS3 over an Xbox 360 all those years ago, and I've never looked back. Thank you for all of the runners, volunteers, donators, moderators even just the viewers and chat. You guys are amazing, and we all needed this, especially at this time. | ||
02/21/2020 22:28:57 +0000 | $20.00 | Yes |
Totally have to donate during one of my favourite game series'. I have been playing this series since the very beginning, and they've only been getting better and better!
Shoutout to everybody involved in these events. If it wasn't for you guys, we wouldn't have this marathon. You guys are awesome! |
02/21/2020 00:41:12 +0000 | $20.00 | Yes |
All John Cena jokes aside, you're playing videogames in the name of charity. Doing something you love, and doing some good in the world. What's more awesome than that? Keep doing what you're doing, because you guys are amazing. Shout out to all the volunteers, streamers, chatters and mods for making these events what they are! :) | ||
02/21/2020 00:34:33 +0000 | $5.00 | Yes |
Don't let this man distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table. |